Letter to National Telephone Co Ltd, Stroud, Thu 17 Aug 1911

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Thu 17 Aug 1911
To National Telephone Co Ltd


I cannot accept your cheque as a final settlement to Dec next as you suggest. In no instance have you given the required six months notice. You also deduct 4s 6d for one week when numbers of the agreements are made out to the nearest quarter day, even though in some cases erection of poles stays or circuits was allowed to facilitate checking and paying accounts. I have been generous to you in many cases, especially in particular when Mr Winterbotham of Stroud cut all your cables and saved you the cost of erecting poles along the road by offering a cable in the canal to maintain connection with Saul and in other cases. I hope you will make up the full rent. Please review the agreement where it is distinctly stated that full rent should be paid and if notice is given we will refund the proportion overpaid.

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