Wed 7 May 1913
To Severn Fishery Board (J Stallard)
Re: receipts from sale of Angling Licenses. Thank you for your letter of 6 May. The amount of £19:12:0 mentioned in my recent letter is the net receipt. The men (including lock keepers) employed by this Company doing other work are constantly moving to different parts of the canal and in so doing keep an eye on the anglers - therefore no charge is made against the receipts from anglers. PS One of the lock keepers reports that an angler has complained to him that someone has demanded a payment of 6d from him, which he paid. Who he is, or for whom he is acting, I do not know. The Canal being private property, the Company has absolute control of the fishery and this person has no authority from us. Can you give me any clue in this matter?