Minutes Wed 14 Oct 1818

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Wed 14 Oct 1818


Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £2574 15s 7d. Balance after wages, etc, £2026 1a 11d. Dividend of £10 declared.
Gloucester & Berkeley Canal to stop work connected with Stroud Water Navigation until an agent has been appointed and they have been informed of his name according to the Act of Parliament.
Mr Smith to be allowed a small part of the Warehouse at Wallbridge in exchange for land at the back of the warehouse.
Tonnage on corn to be reduced to 2s 6d per ton.
Tonnage on stone for burning into lime to be lowered to the same price stone for roads.
Mudding machine to be loaned to Thames & Severn Canal for a sum and them returning it in the same condition as it is now.

Verbatim text

At a General half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Wednesday the 14^th day of October 1818
Thomas Jones Esq^r in the Chair.
The minutes of the last General Meeting were read and confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company as directed by Act of Parliament examined and confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the sum of _£2571..15..7_ has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 11^th day of April last to the 13^th Instant, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of wages, disbursments, etc, & that there remains in the Treasurers hands after paying the last Dividend the Sum of _£2026..1..11_.
Ordered that a Dividend of £10 each Share be paid by the Treasurer on the 3^rd day of November next, and that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to all Proprietor to inform them that they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the Same.
It appearing to this Assembly that the Gloster & Berkeley Canal C^o are proceeding in the part of their works connected with the Stroudwater Navigation without having delivered their Plan thereof untill the 9^th Instant, that therefore it is expedient that notice be given to the Gloster & Berkeley Canal C^o to proceed no further in those parts of their said Works untill it be notified to them that an Proper (?) Engineer on the part of the Stroudwater Navigation be appointed & his Name delivered to them pursuant to their Act of Parliament, which shall be done without delay.
M^r Smith having proposed to remove a small part of the Company's Warehouse at Wallbridge not exceeding four feet,
Ordered that He be allowed so to do on condition He gives the bit of Land on the back of the Warehouse (exonerating the Company from any claim for the repair of the Arch).
Ordered that the Tonnage of Corn be reduced to 2.6 per Ton whether imported from Gloster or any other Place.
Ordered that the Tonnage on Stone for the purpose of burning into Lime be lowered to the same price as Stone for Roads.
Ordered the Mudding Machine be lent to the Thames & Severn Canal C^o, they paying such a sum per week for the use of it as the Committee shall appoint & returning the same in as good condition as they see it.

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