Sat 16 Aug 1777
From Daniel Harrison
Uphill, Somerset
Building of sea wall at Framiload
S^r Am Sorry the Prise I Sent you Relative to the Locks, &c I Gave in Some Time Since did not meet y^e Abrobation of the Gentleman of y^e Committy, but hearing by Several People that there is a new fence of Battering Wall To be Built in Y^e Mouth of the New Navigation on Y^e River Severn, I have bin Informd of the Plan On Which it is Intended to be Built.
I now Make a fresh Proposal hopes it will Sucede, & if any Surety is Required I have Sufficient Ready. And as I Am determind To Work as Reasonable as Any Other have Sent you the Under Written Estimate:
Viz: All the Stone wall for a Quay or Battering Wall finding all Materials ... at 7^s/6^d per Perch.
The Digging foundation at per Yard the same Prise as any on the Cut or Navigation.
If you Will Oblige the Commity with this Proposal & Lett me have their answer in Letter Direct^d for Daniel Harrison Mason at Uphill Somert Shire. To be ledt at the Angell Inn, Redclif Pitt for the Barnwell Carrier (Goes out wednesday & Saturday)
Will Oblige Y^R Humble Sev^t
Dan^l Harrison
Aug 16^th 1777