Minutes Wed 22 Jan 1947

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Wed 22 Jan 1947


No quorum.
Property at Bristol Road. Mr Hopson to repair chimney on cottage occupied by Mr Bailey.
Wharfhouse at Stonehouse. Kitchen grate to be replaced.
Canal bank at Stonehouse piled and sheeted by Canal Company labour.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 22^nd day of January 1947 at 3 o'clock pm
Present: W G S Bloxam R J C Little.
There being only two Members present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Blockhouses at Whitminster and Eastington
There was nothing to report.
Stroud Metal C^oy Water Supply
There was nothing to report.
Canal Property at Bristol Road
The Clerk reported that the chimney on the cottage occupied by M^r Bailey needed attention, M^r Hopson had inspected the chimney and had undertaken to carry out necessary repairs. The Committee approved the Clerk's action.
Wharfhouse at Stonehouse: Grate
The Clerk reported that the kitchen grate wants replacing, he was directed take steps to replace it.
Canal Bank at Stonehouse
The Clerk reported the Canal bank has been piled and sheeted by our own labour.
January 1^st 1947 to January 22^nd 1947 -- nil
January 1^st 1946 to January 22^nd 1946 -- nil.
January 1^st 1947 to January 22^nd 1947 £4 13s 9d
January 1^st 1946 to January 22^nd 1946 £4 2s 0d.
Cash at Lloyd's Bank Ltd, Stroud
January 22^nd 1947 In credit £325 2s 9d
January 22nd 1946 In credit £212 19s 4d.
Cheques drawn
Committee Expenses £1 12s 6d
Wood and Rowe Office Fuel £1 9s 0d
H Wiggall & Son (Canal Maintenance £6 4s 9d Buildings £32 9s 7d) £38 14s 4d
James & Owen Stationery 12s 4d
Stroud Gas Coy Office Expenses (Gas) £2 1s 7d
The Chalford Garage Coy Canal Maintenance £1 6s 0d.

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