Wed 19 Mar 1947
No quorum.
Blockhouses at Whitminster and Eastington. Messrs Holbrow’s estimate for demolition sent to War Department Land Agent at Bath. Inspection to be arranged.
Framilode Bridge repair. Letter from Mr Cookly, Clerk of Fretherne with Saul Parish Council.
Mrs Best. Water supply from canal at Whitminster. Mrs Best had sold Parklands to Mr Davies. He would continue arrangement with Company and pay rent.
Flood. Heavy flooding of canal waterway 13 March.
Canal Offices, Wallbridge. Recent floodwater in cellar from Thames & Severn Canal. Towing Path needed repair. Damage in recent gale to Lockhouses and Wharfhouse at Dudbridge, Dockhouse at Eastington, Lockhouse at Framilode, Wallbridge Offices, Warehouse at Wallbridge, Wharfhouses at Bristol Road, Whitminster. Necessary repairs to be carried out.
Garage at Stonehouse Wharf. Letter from Mr Hack. In view of rent, proposed repairs and alterations too expensive. Work could be done at his own cost.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19th day of March 1947 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present W G S Bloxam R J C Little.
There being only two Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Blockhouses at Whitminster and Eastington Demolition
The Clerk reported that M^r Holbrow & Sons estimate for £75 for the demolition of the Blockhouses had been, as requested, sent to the War Department Land Agent at Bath. He had replied that an inspection would be arrange, and that he would write to the Company upon receipt of the report.
Stroud Metal Company - Water supply
There was nothing to report.
Canal Property at Bristol Road - Chimney
Reported that M^r Hopson had done nothing yet in this matter.
Wharfhouse at Stonehouse - New Grate
There was nothing to report.
Framilode Bridge Repair
The Chairman read a letter from M^r Cookly, Clerk of Fretherne-with-Saul Parish Council. The Clerk was instructed to write to M^r Coocly explaining the position.
Mrs Best - Water Supply from the Canal at Whitminster
The Chairman read a letter from M^rs Best stating that she had sold Parklands to Mrs Davies who would continue the arrangement with the Company and pay the rent. The Committee agreed.
The Clerk reported heavy flooding of the canal waterway on the 13^th March.
Canal Offices Wallbridge
The Clerk reported that during the recent flood, water had got into the cellar from the Thames and Severn Canal. After inspecting the cellar the Committee that the County Council be informed. it was understood that the Towing path of the Canal needed repair.
Recent Gale Damage to Canal Property
The Clerk reported damage done to the Lockhouses and Wharfhouse at Dudbridge. Wharfhouse and Dockhouse at Eastington, Lockhouse at Framilode, Wallbridge offices, Warehouses at Wallbridge, Wharfhouses at Bristol Road Whitminster. The Clerk was authorised to have the necessary repairs carried out.
Garage at Stonehouse Wharf, M^r Hack - Repairs and alterations
The Chairman read a letter from M^r Hack. The Committee directed that M^r Heck be informed that in view of the rent the Company could not at present go the the expense even if they could get the work done, but he was at liberty to do it at his own cost.
January 1^st 1947 to March 19^th 1947: nil
January 1^st 1946 to March 19^th 1946: nil.
January 1^st 1947 to March 19^th 1947: £4 13s 6d
January 1^st 1946 to March 19^th 1946: £4 2s 0d.
Cash at Lloyd's Bank Ltd, Stroud
March 19^th 1947 In credit £260 8s 11d
March 19^th 1946 In credit £128 192 7d.
Cheques drawn
Committee Expenses £1 12s 6d
G Holder ¼ yrs Salary to 25/3/47 £8 2s 6d
Little & Bloxam, Legal Expenses £7 10s 0d
Dudbridge & Sons, Audit Fees £2 12s 6d
P G Snape, ¼ years Salary less tax £41 11s 2d
Commissioners of Inland Revenue
re deduction from P G Snape's Salary 16s.0d.