Minutes Wed 19 Apr 1950

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Wed 19 Apr 1950


Dudbridge Wharf. Messrs Redler had offered to pay £100 for their cornered piece next the entrance to the wharf. Accepted.
Dudbridge Wharf. Agreed to accept rent of £45 from the Education Committee for the wharf less the three cornered piece sold to Messrs Redler.
Walk Bridge. Repairs had been carried out.
Eastington Wharf. The work proposed by the County Council was in progress.
Canal Bank at Newtown. The County Council had given assurance that their work would not harm the Company's overflow weir and culvert.
Mr Household. Agreed he could look at the earlier minute books of the Company.
South Western Gas Board. Proposal to lay an 8 inch gas main along the towpath from Lodgemore to Wallbridge. Agreed in principle. Clerk to meet applicant.

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