Minutes Wed 19 Oct 1949

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Wed 19 Oct 1949


Stroud R D Council. Sewer Crossing near Nutshell Bridge carried out, at Ryeford not yet undertaken.
Thames & Severn Canal. Overflow at Wallbridge first Lock. Clerk to enquire whether Sir William Halcrow & Partners were ready to submit report on Mr Morgan’s inspection of Canal in July. Evidence against Gloucestershire County Council.
Strachan & Co had agreed to Company’s terms and conditions re windows overlooking Canal at Lodgemore.
Marling & Evans Ltd. Ebley Mills Bridge. Permanent bridge cannot at present be agreed. Abandonment being considered. Permanent bridge might be agreed to, with provision for suitable pipe to pass beneath bridge.
Junction Office, Moorage Charges. R V Harrison. Amount £2 12 6.
Receiving Order made 29 September. Forms completed and returned to Official Receiver.

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