Minutes Wed 23 Jul 1783

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Wed 23 Jul 1783


Bricks to be obtained from Thomas Edwards, Richard Hardman, John Jackson, William Jevons.
Severn barge Three Brothers purchased by James Perry.
Contracts for stone with James Brawn, George Makin.
James Perry to seek Bilston coals.
Samuel Smith engaged as Clerk of Works.
Aberthaw pebbles to be obtained for lime.
Receipts to be struck from copper plate.
No security required from Head Carpenter.
John Thompson of Cirencester to give in his account.
Agreements for land with Daniel Capel, John Winchcombe, John Niblett, Samuel Webb, Peter Watts, John Peach, Fream Arundel, Thomas Griffin, Elizabeth Collier, Edward Sheppard, Miss Sheppard, James Dallaway, John Pinfold, Mr Wathen, Mr Slaughter, Miss Goughs.
Agreement with John Pickston for cutting the navigation.
Agreement with Josiah Clowes, engineer.
Agreement with John Jackson for horses and carriage.

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