Minutes Fri 24 Jun 1785

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Fri 24 Jun 1785


Call, £5 per share, fifth
Trouble with Charles Jones who does not do what he is told to do.
J Stevenson appointed wharfinger at Stroud.
Ralph Sheppard to finish each end of tunnel
Josiah Clowes to carry canal through Mr Innell's mill pond
Damages ordered to be paid to Mr Harrison
William Mitton to make a road above Brimscombe towards the turnpike road.
John Nock to be allowed in his account for building the house at Daneway Bridge, the money allowed in his contract and charged rent for the said house £10pa.
William Platt to be charged the rent of £10pa for the house at Thames Head.
Mr Hall to record the dates lands for the canal are entered on.
Reservoir to be made above Mr Fowler’s mill at Sapperton and Lord Bathurst to be treated with for Fowler’s mill and the land for such reservoir.
Agreement with Mr Barton for Whitmores Mill and land.
Rev Mr Brereton, agreement with for land at Daneway Bridge
Corpus Christi College, agreement for lands - details given
Letter to Charles Jones re tunnel - full text

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