Sat 22 Apr 1786
Trespasses to be claimed at Ram Inn Cirencester
Level to be carried to a shaft above Causy Well
When reservoir at Fowler's mill above Sapperton is formed on Lord Bathurst’s meadow, the Sunday water to be let into it and a stank kept across the top of the said reservoir on Mr Hancox’s land until the reservoir in the said meadow of Mr Hancox be formed.
Brick-makers at the Bourne to be set at work
Lime kiln at Daneway Bridge to be set at work and wharf there to be finished with all possible expedition.
Wharf at Daneway Bridge to be finished expeditiously
Towpath walling to be finished up to Daneway Bridge
Tunnel, land to be levelled over at Hailey Wood and road to be made along
Miners tools to be purchased from Charles Jones
Charles Jones, more hands to be employed in his work