Minutes Mon 23 Oct 1786

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Mon 23 Oct 1786


Summit to be forwarded with dispatch
William Bowker to continue to overlook men
John Gunnery to continue to superintend the tunnel and keep an account of stores
John Nock, horse engine to be put into his middle pit
Two watchmen to be appointed to look after the canal between Bowbridge & Sapperton
Brimscombe mill and house to be properly repaired to answer the purpose of a corn and fulling mill as well as an inn for the accommodation of the trade.
Temporary warehouse to be put upon the wharf at Brimscombe.
Hand bills to be prepared warning the public about taking planks and materials from the canal.
No stop or floodgate to be put into the feeder at Cirencester
Coxes Barn, works over valley to be made with masonry
Tunnel, shafts to be left open till further orders
Level of the feeder at Cirencester.

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