Wed 26 Mar 1788
Account of sales of coals to be delivered to clerk of Stroud Canal committee
Regulations to prevent frauds should be adopted
Orders of the Committee 4 Jun 1787 respecting four locks at Siddington to be strictly executed and the pond between the two lower locks to be increased to 13,588 superficial feet.
Payment for roads between Siddington Upper Lock and collateral branch to be suspended
Ralph Sheppard to complete lining Sapperton end of tunnel and raise a stank in it
Culvert to be placed under the road in Mr Kibble's meadow.
Fences to be put across the canal from Upper Siddington to Cerney
R Adamson to send his accounts to Clerk regularly
Canal to be continued from Cerney to Cerney Wick
Samuel Smith to contract for carriage of materials.
John Gunnery to reside at Daneway and keep an account of all stores, carriage and business, and Mr Adamson to instruct him how to keep accounts.