Minutes Sat 9 May 1789

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Sat 9 May 1789


Tespasses to be settled with Elizabeth Fitcher, James Habgood, John Lutten and Elizabeth Pratt
William Stephenson written to respecting payment of Lord Bathurst
R Adamson to send his accounts to Clerk
Agreed to confer with J & E Cripps re damage to his mill
Letter to Thames Commissioners expressing concern about rumoured new plan for improvement
James Perry to examine land and plan reservoirs on the Dagleworth and Churn
Lord Bathurst applications to him for Jenner's Mill water and forming a reservoir
Josiah Clowes to examine and report on tunnel and summit levels
Kempsford Bridge arch to be raised if necessary
Banks between Cerney lower lock and Wilmorway to be raised
Feeder below Welford mill to be staked out.
Land to be set out in Parliamentary line to the Thames

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