Minutes Mon 1 Oct 1792

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Mon 1 Oct 1792


Company's accounts in their Journal approved - no details.
Thomas Smith to plan improved road from Brimscombe to Stroud in the Hill estate
Lower part of road from Brimscombe Port House to Hampton Common to be widened
William Stephenson to pass balance of Coal & Boat Account to his General Account
Agreed tolls on limestone, coal and ashes
Samuel Smith to purchase Bakers Mill and Mortons Mill
Samuel Bird to build a barge for use of the Company - 36ft keel, 10ft extreme width, covered house of 20ft in midships, raking stern and platform
Samuel Smith to settle with Ames
Boathouse to be built for the Company's barge in the recess of the canal between Brimscombe Bridge and Samuel Butler's house.
Brimscombe grist mill and the dwelling house and chamber over it together with the stable next the gate to be let to a proper tenant at a rent of £40 pa
Joseph Cripps to be settled with for water damage to his mill

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