Sat 16 Dec 1826
From Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co (George Nicholls)
Enclosing plan of work at Junction. Asking whether land previously occupied by Stroudwater Canal could devolve to Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co.
Dear Sirs
With this you will receive a plan of the work at the Junction of our two canals. The Committee of the G&B Canal consider that the land belonging to their Company adjoining the Junction would probably be of considerable value to them if it was entire; but that separated as it is by the intervention of the slip of land heretofore occupied by the Stroud Canal, it is comparatively of little value. We do not mean to contend that you have no right to this slip of Land, but we wish to put it to the Committee of the Stroud Canal whether, as we have found a new channel for your Canal, the Land before occupied by it might not in fairness devolve to us.
I apprehend that the Land adjoining your Canal is the most Valuable to you, in the same way as that adjoining our is most Valuable to us. I understand you to say that your Committee intended to construct a House for a Lock Keeper at the Junction, & that you only wanted Land sufficient for that purpose. Perhaps and arrangement for this object, eventually advantageous, might be effected, by you taking what you required from the land adjoining your Canal above the Junction, partly your own & partly belonging to the G&B Canal Co & now occupied as I think as a Withey Bed. If you adopt this suggestion, and after taking what you require for your own convenience, then leave the rest of the Land to us your Committee will I think act fairly & liberally and as I trust our Committee would act in similar circumstances. In this spirit we wish to meet you, and this much I am commissioned ? on behalf of the G&B Canal Company.
I beg to offer my respectful Compts to the Gentlemen of the Committee, and am
Dear Sirs
Very faithfully yours
Geo. Nicholls
Geo Hawker