Minutes Thu 12 Dec 1776

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Thu 12 Dec 1776


Mr Grazebrook to make agreement with Mr Hall for his boat.
Ordered Mr Pashley to make the lock gates at Bristol Road and all the remaining locks of the same angle as the lower lock.
Samuel Collins to take the tonnage of all coals brought up the canal to receive for every vessel of coals that is imported to the Bristol Road, 1s per ton for the use of the Company – the tonnage to be paid to Benjamin Grazebrook or his son Joseph.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee held by Adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 12^th day of December 1776
Present: Joseph Wathen, John Hollings, Thomas Baylis, Durley Wintle, Thomas White, Benjamin Grazebrook.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r B. Grazebrook reported that he had been to Athersone and waited on M^r Baxter and Settled with him for his Land, and that an Article was entered into and Settled by M^r Baxter on his part, and M^r Grazebrook on the part of the Company.
Ordered That M^r Grazebrook do treat with M^r Hall for his Boat and to get it on the lowest terms he can.
Ordered that M^r Lingard do imediately give absolute directions to M^r Pashley to make the Lock Gates at the Bristol Road, and all the remaining Locks of the same Angle as the Lower Lock, and to see that he strictly Adhere's to it.
Ordered that M^r Grazebrook do write to David Price Timber Merchand in Hereford to inquire into the rice of his Timber.
Ordered That M^r Samuel Collins Jun^r be appointed by the Company to take the Tonnage of all Coals brought up the Canal and to received for every Vessell of Coals that is imported to the Bristol Road at the Rate of one Shilling per Ton for the use of the Company, and that the said M^r Collins Shall be allow'd what Shall be deem'd reasonable for his trouble, and that the said Tonnage by paid to M^r Ben:m Grazebrook or his Son Joseph, as often as shall be required.
Ordered that a Bill be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of Foud Hundred pounds.
M^r Baylis Account postponed to the next Meeting.
Ordered that Mess^rs Colborne, Hollings & Grazebrook be desired to waite on M^r Jn^o Webb to make a discretionary agreement with him for the Value of his first Piece of Land next to Walbridge.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 26^th Instant at four of the Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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