Mon 31 Mar 1777
Ellis James agreed with the committee to sell his land at 34s for 35 years per acre.
The men who are inhabiting Mr James’ house are to quit it or pay him rent.
Bricklayers to be given notice to forbear trespassing upon Mr King’s wheat by making a road across it.
Offer from William Price of Gloucester for oak scantlings at 1s 9d per cubic foot as agreed with Mr Keck.
The cranes at Churchend Mill and at the Common Platt are to be removed.
The banks on either side of Framilode lock to be piled with oak as soon as timber procured.
Edward Edge, our surveyor of masonery work, inspect the bridge at Bristol Road and ensure walls are tight and water proof.
James Dallaway and William Hopton, executors to William Dallaway of Brimscombe, made claim for shares 4, 5 and 6.
At a Meeting of the Committee held by adjournment at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 31^st Day of March 1777
Present: Joseph Wathen, Robert Ellis, James Winchcombe, Freame Arundell, John Hollings, Durley Wintle, Thomas Baylis.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Ellis James attended the Committee, Agree'd with him for the purchase of his Land at the Rate of Thirty four Shillings, and Thirty five Years purchase per Acre. An Article of agreement was drawn and £100.. paid in part of the purchase, and a Receipt given for the same.
Ordered that M^r Lingard do give Notice to the Men who are gott into M^r James House imediately to quit it, or pay him Rent for the same.
Ordered that M^r Lingard do give Notice to the Brickmakers to forbear trespassing upon M^r Kings Wheat by making a Road across it.
Received an Offer from M^r W^m Price of Oak Timber Scantlings at 1/9 per foot Cube as agreed with him by M^r Keck on behalf of the Company to be delivered on the Banks of the Canal.
Ordered that Edward Keene do go to Broad Oak and Treat with M^r Powell for such Oak Timber as is fit for our purpose, and to cal on M^r Pashley for the Dimentions.
Mess^rs Lane & Jepsons Bill not paid, M^r Lane not being at home.
Ordered that the Cranes at Churchend Mill, and at the Common Platt, be removed the first opportunity.
Ordered that the Banks on each side of the Framiload Lock be piled with Oak as soon as the proper Timber can be procured.
Ordered that Edward Edge, our Surveyor of the Masonary Work, do imediately inspect the Masonary Work of the Bridge at the Bristol Road, and give the necessary directions to have the walls well banded, and a Sufficient Quantity of Mortar used to make the said Walls tight and water proff, and if they have not the proper Stone ready. that they do not proceed in the Building till it arrives.
Ordered a BIll to be drawn on the Treasurer of the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds.
The Treasurers Account examined and allowed of.
James Dallaway & William Hopton Executors of William Dallaway, late of Brimscombe deceased, made out their Claim to three Shares No: 4, 5 and 6.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 3^d Day of April next at five of the Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.