Minutes Mon 4 Jun 1787

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Mon 4 Jun 1787


Mr Richard Pettat to pay £45 1s 11d for purchase of remaining part of Little Harry's Acre. Equal quantity deducted on lieu of land taken from Great Harry's Acre for use of Navigation. Difference between successors of Mr Knight and company now settled.
Exchange of small strip of land on side of foot path from Stone Lock to Dudbridge with Mr Chance for land to make fence straight and Foot Road to be turned up into Turnpike Road at wing wall of bridge.
Payment of small balance due for land taken on canal and towing path from Haywards Field to successors of late Daniel Smith.
Swivel bridge at Framilode to be repaired.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on Board the Companys Barge on Monday the 4^th June 1787
Present: Nathaniel Winchcombe, Henry Burgh, John Hollings, Thomas C: Arundell, John Colborne, Ben^n Grazebrook, John Allaway, Richard Bigland.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Our Clerk Reported that the Companys Barge & Gravell Boat are Repaired.
M^r Richard Pettat having met the Committee the 21^st May last, came to an agreement to pay the Company the Sum of £45..1..11 being the Ballance as will apper by the Account then settled for the purchase of the remaining part of little Harrys Acre after deducting an equal quantity in lieu of what was taken from Great Harrys Acre for use of the Navigation, in consequence of which all matters in difference between the Successors of the late M^r Knight and the Company are agree'd. Ordered that our Clerk do furnish M^r Pettats Attorney with particulars necessary to make a Title to the s^d Land.
Agree'd to exchange a small strip of Land on the side of the foot path leading to the Stone Lock at Dudbridge with M^r Chance for an equal quantity of his Lad in order to make the fence straight as the same is now mark'd out, and the said Foot Road to be turned up into the Turnpike Road at the Wing Wall of the Bridge.
Our Clerk Reported that the Successors of the late Daniel Smith Esq^r has applied for payment of a small ballnce due for the Land taken in the Canal & Towing path from Haywards Field. Ordered that he do inform them upon their making out their Claim for the same before the Committee, that the Balance due shall be paid.
Ordered that the Swivell Bridge at Framiload be Repaired, also all other necessary Repairs to the Navigation to be forwarded.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 8^th of October next at five O'Clock in the afternoon at the George in Stroud.

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