Mon 8 Oct 1792
Mary Clutterbuck claimed share no.118, will of Mrs Ann Clutterbuck.
James Wall to finish wall at Dudbridge immediately.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Monday the 8th of Octo^r 1792
Present: John Holling, Rich^d Pettat, Henry Burgh, Jos^h Grazebrook,, Jn^o Allaway.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Our Clerk reported that the Blunder Lock is repaired as ordered at the last Meeting. Also that M^r Sam^l Baylis has paid his Arrears of Tonnage.
M^r Mawbey Tugwell attended on Behalf of Miss Mary Clutterbuck and made out her Claim to one Share N^o 118 in the Stroudwater Navigation late the Property of M^rs Ann Clutterbuck deceased by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Ann Clutterbuck bearing Date of 30^th of Octo^r 1790 and duly proved in the Perogative Court of the ArchBishop of Canterbury the 3^rd of Dec^r 1791 by which it appears that the said Ann Clutterbuck has bequeathed the said Share to the said Mary Clutterbuck, and the said Claim is admitted accordingly. Ordered that application be made to James Wall to finish the Wall at Dudbridge and in case he do not immediately proceed in it that our Clerk do take proper measures to oblidge him.
Ordered a Bill to be drawn on the Treasurers for the sum of Two Hundred & thirty four Pounds fourteen Shillings & two pence for the Use of the Navigation. Adjourn'd this Meeting to Tuesday the 9^th Ins^t at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.