Minutes Tue 8 Apr 1794

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Tue 8 Apr 1794


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1825 9s 9d. Balance £1197 9s 8d. Dividend of £6 declared.
Engineer to give advice on any or what improvement may be made at entrance of Stroud Canal at Framilode Wharf. New lock, a basin, a wharf, improvements convenient for a Severn trow and cargoes and for the accommodation of cargoes. At same time to survey of canal and suggest probable repairs and their expense.
Committee for next year: Sir George Paul, Joseph Cripps, John Allaway, Benjamin Grazebrook, Samuel Wathen, William Battersby, New House, William Battersby, Joseph Harford, Charles Freebury, Rev William Ellis, Josiah Isles Wathen, Edward Harford, Samuel Smith.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 8^th of April 1794
Joseph Harford Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirm'd.
The Several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirmed.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of One Thousand eight Hundred and twenty five Pounds nine Shillings and nine pence half penny has been received for Tonnage from the 8^th of October last to this day a part of which has been applied towards the Payment of Debts, Wages, Disburstments, etc there remains with a former Ballance in the Treasurers Hands the Sum of £1197..9^s..8^d.
Ordered that a Dividend of Six Pounds be made on each Share to be paid by the Treasurer on the first day of May next, and that our Clerk do transmit Circular Letters to those Proprietors who are absent from the Meeting to inform them they may draw upon the Treasurers or apply to them for Payment of the same. Resolved that the Committee be directed to take the advice of some able Engineer whether any or what improvements may be made at the entrance of the Stroud Canal at Framiload Wharf taking into Consideration the Improvement by a new Loxk, a Bason, a Wharf, etc, together with any other Improvement by rendering the approach to the present Wharf more conveniend for the approach of Severn Trows and for accomodation of their Cargoes if found convenient to deposit them upon or near the present Wharf.
At the same time that such Engineer do make a Survey of the Stroud Canal reporting to the Committee its present state and suggesting the Probability of any Repairs being necessary in any determinate time together with the present State of the different Locks & the Expence attending the Objects above mentioned.
The Committee are also directed as soon as they have procured the Report to call a special General Meeting to consider thereof.
The following Gentlemen are appointed a Committee for the ensuing Year:
Sir Geo Paul, Joseph Cripps, John Allaway, Benjam^n Grazebrook. Joseph Grazebrook, Samue^l Wathen New Houses, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Will^m Battersby, Josiah Isles Wathen, Joseph Harford, Ew^d Harford, Charler Freebury. Sam^l Smith.

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