Minutes Tue 9 Dec 1794

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Tue 9 Dec 1794


Front of warehouse at Framilode rebuilt. Mr Keene's account of carpenter's work. Dispute about his measurement. Mr Barnard to measure same, also brickwork and tiling and report on latter.
Thomas Greening completed two feet culvert at Ebley. Calculated for one of 18 inches. Allowance to be made to him as he could not complete it for the money agreed to be 3 three guineas.
William Beard to provide deal balks for repair of lock gates and swivel bridges.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 9^th of December 1794
Present: Samuel Wathen, Benj^n Grazebrook, John Allaway, Jos^h Grazebrook, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Sam^l Smith.
Read the Minutes of the last Committee and General Meetings.
Our Clerk reported that the part of the Warehouse at Framiload which has given way, has been taken down and rebuilt agreeably to an Order of the last Committee Meeting.
Continued the order respecting M^r Baylis.
Our Clerk having produced M^r Keenes Account of the Carpenters Work in the Warehouse at Framiload and some dispute having arisen respecting his admeasurement, Ordered that M^r Barnard be requested to measure the same and likewise the Brick work & tiling, and to report particularly on the State of the latter.
Tho^s Greening having compleated a two Feet Culvert at Ebley agreeable to the order of the Committee the 29^th of July last, and having at that time made his calculation for one of eighteen Inches, solicits an allowance to be made him for the same. It appearing to us that he could not compleat it for the money agreed for, Ordered that our Clerk do pay him a further sum of tree Guineas.
Ordered that Will Beard do look out some Deal Balks for the repairs of the Lock Gates and Swivell Bridges.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Tuesday the 20^th of January next at 12 o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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