Minutes Fri 27 Mar 1795

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Fri 27 Mar 1795


Mr Keene's accepted Mr Miles measurements: account settled.
Thomas Greening's has completed warehouse at Framilode: account to be settled.
Wall at Dudbridge Wharf to be continued to the warehouse.
Table of regulations of vessels passing canal to be put in order and erected on wharf at Wallbridge.
Agreed to sell piece of land rented by Mr Clutterbuck, except bit next to wharf, and also piece rented by Mr Keene, to Mr Chance at double the price Company gave for it, reserving 12 feet from warehouse down to bridge. Also piece purchased from Mr Butcher at and after same rate Company gave Mr Butcher. Mr Chance to be allowed to put gate to wharf and to have access between 8 in morning and 8 in evening to convey goods, wares, and merchandise from wharf. Key of gate to be kept by wharfinger at Dudbridge.
Agreed to sell piece of meadow land on south side of canal near Lodgemore, measurement 3 rood 2 perch as same as now staked out, to Mr Henry Burgh, price £100.
Also sold by auction to Mr Burgh piece of pasture land with withy bed on west side of canal at Lockham Bridge, £32.
Sold by auction to Mr Thomas Grazebrook. 2 pieces of land called Spencehill near Framilode on east and west side of canal, £51. Sold to Mr Grazebrook 2 pieces on east and west side adjoining. Also one other piece on east side of canal in corner of Pool Field; a long strip on east side from last mentioned piece to Gallows Bridge; one ridge on west side in Pool Field next to Saul Bridge; one triangular piece on west side above Gallows Bridge, with all of last mentioned pieces at £102.
Sold by auction to Thomas Baylis all those pieces of land on north east and south west of canal near Walk Bridge leading to Frampton, £60. Also piece on strip of land on last side from Gallows Bridge with withy bed next to Mr King's land, £52.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Friday the 27^th of March 1795
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Benj^n Grazebrook, Jn^o Allaway, Jos^h Grazebrook, Rev^d W^m Ellis.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the order respecting M^r Baylis.
M^r W^m Miles having measured the Warehouse at Framiload agreeably to an Order of the last Meeting and M^r Keene having consented to his admeasurement, Ordered that his Account be settled.
Tho^S Greening having finished the Warehouse at Framiload, Ordered that his Account be settled.
Ordered that the Wall at Dudbridge Wharf be continued to the Warehouse.
Ordered that a Table respecting the regulations of Vessells passing the Canal be put in proper order and erected on the Wharf at Walbridge.
Agreed to sell the Piece of Land rented by M^r Clutterbuck (excepting the bit cut off nest the Wharf) as the same is now staked out, and also the Piece rented by M^r Keene to M^r Chance at double the price the Company gave for the same, reserving 12 Feet from the Wares down to the Bridge, alos the Piece purchased of M^r Butcher at and after the same rate the Company gave M^r Butcher, the purchase to be compleated the 1^st of May next subject to the Conditions of sale this day Exhibited, M^r Chance be allowed to put a Gate to communicate with the Wharf and to have access to and from the same between the Hours of Eight in the Morning & eight in the Evening for the purpose of conveying Goods, Wares & Merchadize to or from the Wharf, provided the Key of the said Gate be kept by the Wharfinger at Dudbridge.
Agreed to sell the Meadow Land on the Sourth side of the Canal near Loadgemore containing by admeasurement 3^R 2^P or there about, as far as the same is now staked out, to M^r Henry Burgh at the price of £100 Subject to the Conditions of this days Sale. Also sold by Auction to the said M^r Burgh is that piece of Pasture Land with the Withy Bed ajoining on the West side the Canal at Lockham Bridge at the price of £32.
Sold by Auction to M^r Tho^S Grazebriij two pieces of Land called Spencehill near Framiload, on the East & West side of the Canal at the price of £51. Also sold to the said M^r Grazebrook two pieces on the East and West side of the Canal adjoining the above. Also one other Piee on the East side of the Canal in the Corner of Pool Field. Also one long strip on the East side of the Canal extending from the last mentioned piece to Gallows Bridge. Also one Ridge on the West side of the Canal in the said Pool Field next to Saul Bridge. Also one Triangular Piece of Land on the West side of the Canal above Gallows Bridge, the whole of the last mentioned Pieces at the price of £102. Sold by Auction to M^r Tho^s Baylis, all those two Pieces of Land on the North East & South West of the Canal near the Walk Bridge leading to Frampton at the price of £60. Also all that Piece or Strip of Land on the East side of the Canal at Gallows |Bridge up the Canal with the Withy Bed adjoining nest to M^r King's Land at the price of £52,
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 13^th of April next at 12 o Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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