Thu 30 Apr 1795
Mr Pashley allowed salary of £20 per annum and his house rent. He is to attend to the lock, pass tickets, stop gates, warehouse and wharf.
Mound to fence off land at lower end of wharf at Wallbridge from that sold to Mr Cook and gate to be made on towing path.
Mr Leech to remove bridge leading over Company land.
Mr Joseph Grazebrook to surrender to Mr Henry Cook copyhold land sold to him in parish of Painswick.
Mr Powell of Broad Oak to be paid £45 for dredge boat.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn Stroud on Thursday the 30^th of April 1795
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Jn^o Allaway, Benj^n Grazebrook, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Jos^h Grazebrook, Rowles Scudamore.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Burgh at the request of the Committee having on behalf of our Sollicitors, Mess^rs Whitcombe and Griffiths examined the several Deeds of Conveyance of Lands sold by the Company we have ordered the Common Seal of the Company to be affix'd to the said Conveyances to be delivere to the Purchasers on Payment of their respective purchase monies.
M^r Pashley having attended agreeably to an order of the last Meeting, Ordered that he be allowed a Sallary of Twenty Pounds per Annum and his House Rent in Consideration of which he is very particularly to attend to the Lock, Pass tickets, Stop Gates, Wharehouse, & Wharf.
Ordered that a mound be made to fence off the Land at the lower end of the Wharf at Walbridge from that sold to M^r Cook, and that a Gate on the Towing Path be made in the same manner as the other Gates.
Ordered that M^r Leech have notice given him to remove the Bridge leading over to the Companys Land.
Ordered that M^r Jos^h Grazebrook be desired to surrender to M^r Henry Cook the Copyhold Land sold to him being in the Parish of Painswich agreeable to the Custom of the Manor.
Ordered that M^r Powell of Broad Oak be paid the sum of £45..8^s for the Dredge Boat.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Thursday the 4^th of June next at 8 o'Clock in the forenoon on Board the Company's Barge.