Minutes Mon 12 Oct 1795

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Mon 12 Oct 1795


Wall surrounding basin at Framilode completed except for 12 feet adjoining first lock for erection of stop gate.
Mr King to accept £20 for damages.
Messrs Richard and Henry Cook complained of water improperly taken from feeder at Lodgemore for supply of canal at and below Dudbridge. Lock keeper John Share not able to get supply lower because of water at Ebley being drawn through mill. Clerk to propose to Mr Clissold that proper supply of water is taken from mill pond for use of canal. Reasonable compensation to his servant. In case of refusal permanent stank in mill pond.
Some of lock gates at Dudbridge are leaky. Mr Beard to examine and repair them.
Messre Cook also complained of water overflowing in piece of pasture land on upper side of canal below Lodgemore from lock overflow. Some of Committee to report state thereof.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Monday the 12^th of Octo^r 1795
Present: Samuel Wathen, jJos^h Grazebrook, John Allaway, Rowles Scudamore, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Sam^l Smith.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the order respecting the waste water at M^r Hoggs.
Our Clerk reported that the Wall surrounding the Bason at Framiload is compleated except about 23^Feet adjoining the first Lock, where it was proposed to erect a Stop Gate. Ordered that the same be paid.
Our Clerk reported that he has waited on M^r king who is willing to accept the Twenty Pounds for damages of Lands for his Account delivered. Ordered that the same be paid and a proper Receipt taken.
Our Clerk reported that as much of the Mud above the stop Gate at Framiload has been removed as can be done this Season without impeding the Navigation.
M^r Burgh attended on behalf of Mess^rs Rich^d & Henry Cook complaining of the water being improperly taken from the Feeder at Lodgemore for the supply of the Canal at and below Dudbridge. It has been reported by our Lock keeper John Shares that he has been particularly attentive to the order of the Committee of the 30^th of July respecting the water at Ebley, but that he has not been able to get a Supply from thence owing to the same having been drawn through the Mill. Ordered that our Clerk do wait upon M^r Clissold and propose to him that he do in future take care that a proper supply of Water be taken from the Mill pond for the use of the Canal, and that we will make his Servant a reasonable compensation for attending to it, and to inform M^r Clissord that in Case he should not accede to this proposal that we shall be oblig'd to put in a permanent Stank in the Mill pond.
It having been suggested that some of the Lock Gates at Dudbridge are leaky, Orderd that W^m Beard do examine and Repair the same as soon as possible. M^r Burgh also complained on behalf of Mess^rs Cookes of a Damage in a Piece of Pasture Land on the upper side of the Canal below Lodgemore occasioned by the water overflowing the same. Ordered that some of the Committee be requested to take a view of the same and report the state thereof at the next Committee Meeting.
Ordered a Bill to be drawn on the Treasurer for the sum of Five Hundred & thirty one Pounds, one Shilling, four pence for the use of the Navigation.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Tuesday the 13^th Ins^t at 11 o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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