Thu 28 Jan 1796
Cellar to be made under front part of house at Wallbridge. Sum added to Mr Franklin's estimate.
Mr Greening proposed to make bricks from clay at Framilode for 16s per thousand and to take those Company rejects at that price.
Towing paths to be stopped on 8 February.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 28^th of Jan^y 1796
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Jn^o Allaway, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Jos^h Grazebrook, Benj^n Grazebrook, Rowles Scudamore.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Cookes drain not being yet made, Ordered that the same be set about immediatly.
Ordered that a Cellar be made under the front part of the House directed to be build at Walbridge of the same dimensions as the front Room, and a proportionate sum is added to the former Estimate, and agreed to by M^r Franklin.
Continued the Order respectin the waste water at M^r Hoggs also the Order for a Pair of Gates at Dudbridge Wharf.
M^r Greening having proposed to make Brick from the Clay at Framiload, finding all materials and Duty at 16^s per Thousand, and agreeing to take such Bricks at the price as the Company shall reject, Ordered that his proposal is accepted.
Ordered that the Towing Paths be stopped (except for the purpose of Navigating Vessels) on the 8^th day of February next, agreeably to the Ordere of the General Meeting of the 14^th of October 1783, and that the same be timely advertised in the Glocester Journal.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 11^th of April next at 12 o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.