Minutes Tue 11 Apr 1797

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Tue 11 Apr 1797


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1283 15s 8½d. Balance £691 8s 4½d. Dividend of £3 15s declared.
Committee for next year: Rev William Ellis, Sam Wathen, J J Wathen, Nathaniel Wathen, Rowles Scudamore, Ben Grazebrook, Joseph Grazebrook, Josiah Harford, William Battersby, Thomas Grazebrook, John Allaway, Sam Smith, Richard Bigland.
Mr Hicks and Mr Holbrow complained about supply of water to canal from Mr Clissold's pond at Ebley. Padlock to be placed on weir boards at Ebley Mill ponds. Boards to be raised only when necessary to supply canal with water. No more water than essential to be taken at different feeders into canal.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 11^th of APril 1797
Josiah Isles Wathen Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confrimed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirm'd.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of 1283^3..15^s..8½^d has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 11^th of October last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of Debts, Wages, Disburstments, etc, there remains in the Treasurers Hands after paying the last Dividend the Sum of £691..8^s..4½^d. Ordered that a Dividend of Three Pounds fifteen Shillings be made on each Share to be paid by the Treasurer on the 10^th day of May next and that our Clerk do transmit Circular Letters to all the Proprietors, to inform them they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for Payment of the same.
The following Gentlemen are appointed a Committee for the ensuing Year, Viz:
Rev^d W^m Ellisn, Jos^h Harford, Sam^l Wathen, W^m Battersby, J. I. Wathen, Tho^S Grazebrooke, Nath^l Wathen, Jn^o Allaway, Row^s Scudamore, Sam^l Smith, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Rich^d Bigland, Jos^h Grazebrooke.
M^r Hicks and M^r Will^m Holbrow attended making complaint of the manner in which the Canal had been supplied with Water from M^r Clissolds Mill pond at Ebley. Resolved that the Committee this day appointed be requested at their first Meeting to order a Padlock to be placed on the Weir Boards at the Ebley Mill pond, and to give particular directions to such of their Servants as may be thought necessary to raise them only at such times as the necessity of supplying the Canal with Water may require, and also that they hence for the take due care that no more water be taken at the different Feeders into the Canal than is essentially necessary for the Navigation Reason.
Ordered that the following Gentlemen be requested to superintend the expenditure of money on Coals for the ensuing Year, Viz:
M^r Grazebrooke Sen^r, M^r Baylis, M^r Tho^S Grazebrooke, M^r Scudamore, M^r Pettat, M^r Nath^l Jones, M^r Nath^l Wathen, Rev^d W^m Ellis.

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