Mon 12 Jun 1797
Weir at Ebley Mill pond repaired. Dwarf wall finished.
All repairs necessary to the canal to be immediately preceded with, our workmen not to deviate from them until they are completed.
Bill for £39 17s 2d for lawyers' expenses incurred in new Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Bill to be paid to Messrs Scott and Smith. £49 10s to Mr Grazebrook and Mr Wathen for expenses on journey to London. Clerk to send account to solicitor of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company to request payment for same.
William Smith of Newent to be under clerk at salary of £8 per quarter.
Benjamin Grazebrook Junior's bill for plumbing of the house, and John Pegler's, to be paid.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday 12^th of June 1797
Present: Rev^d W^m Ellis, Nath^l Wathen, Benj^n Grazebrook, Jos^h Grazebrooke, John Allaway, Tho^s Grazebrooke.
Read the Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the 18^th of April last.
Our Clerk reported that the Wear at Ebley Mill pond was repaired. Also that the Dwarf Wall at Walbridge was finished all but Coaping both agreeably to the Order of the Committee made the 18^th of April last.
Ordered that all the repairs necessary to the Canal be immediatly proceeded with, and that our Workmen be strictly charged by no means to desist therefrom untill the whole are compleated.
Ordered that the Bill delivered by Mess^rs Scott & Smith amounting to 39^£..17^s..2^d for Law expenses incurred in consequence of the passing of the new Glocester & Berkley Canal Bill be forthwith paid, as well as 49^£..10^S to M^r Grazebrook and M^r Wathen for their expense on a Journed to London on the same business. Also that or Clerk do transmit an Account thereof to M^r Commerline the Sollictor of the Glocester and Berkley Canal Company requesting payment of the same conformably to his undertaking.
W^m Smith of Newent in this County attended to offer his service as Under Clerk, according to the terms of future instructions to be given him. Ordered that he be taken into the Service of the Company at a Sallary of 8^£ per Quarter on the terms specified in an Agreement to be entered into between him and the Company, provided that his Character be found unimpeachable.
Ordered that M^r Benj^n Grazebrooke Jun^rs Bill for Plumbing and Jn^o Peglers be paid, and that all other Bills respecting the building of the House at Walbridge be produced at the next Committee Meeting.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 10^th of July next at 5 o'Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.