Minutes Mon 10 Jul 1797

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Mon 10 Jul 1797


Edward Keene and William Franklin to be paid for building house at Wallbridge and for making bow window of house occupied by Richard Camm. Rent of Mr Camm increased to £2 10s per annum.
John Pashley to stay in house until Christmas without payment. Must accommodate William Smith and family with one room above stairs and joint use of kitchen.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 10^th of July 1797
PresentL Rev'd W^m Ellis, Nath^l Wathen, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Jos^h Grazebrooke, Sam^l Wathen, Rowles Scudamore.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Our Clerk having produced accounts from Ew^d Keene and W^m Franklin for building the House at Walbridge and for making a Bow Window at the House occupied by Rich^d Camm, Ordered that the remainder of both Bills be paid.
A Letter was received fro M^r J I Wathen reporting his attendance at the meetings of Delegates from Canal Companys, to oppose the intended Tax on Inland Navigations, and stating the amount of his expences. Ordered the same to be paid.
Ordered that the rent for the House occupied by Rich^d Camm be increased £2..10^s per Annum from the 24^th of June last.
Jn^o Pashley having attended to inform the Committee that he has been unable as yet to procure a House, Ordered that he be permitted to reside in the Company's House untill Christmas next without payment of any rent, provided that he immediatly accomodates W^m Smith & Family with one room above Stairs, and with a joint use of the Kitchen, but that in case Jn^o Pashley should not quit the House at Christmas next a rent to be hereafter settled and to commence from that time.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Tuesday the 29^th of August next at three o Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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