Minutes Tue 10 Oct 1797

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Tue 10 Oct 1797


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1920 5s 5½d. Balance £1336 13s 5½d. Dividend of £7 declared.
Rev Joseph Colborne member of Committee in place of Mr Bigland, no longer a Proprietor.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 10^th of October 1797
Samuel Wathen Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirm'd.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirmed.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of £1920..5^s..5½^d has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 11^th of April last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the Payment of Debts, Wages, Disburstments, etc, there remains in the Treasurers hand after paying the last Dividend the Sum of £1336..13^s..5½^d. Ordered that a Dividend of Seven Pounds be made on each Share to be paid by the Treasurer on the 15^th day of November next, and that our Clerk do transmit Circular Letters to all the Proprietors to inform them they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
The Rev^d Joseph Colborne was chosen a Member of the Committee in room of M^r Bigland he being no longer a Proprietor.

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