Mon 18 Mar 1799
Communication from Sir Edward Littleton of resolutions of meeting of delegates from canal navigations suggesting application to Parliament to regulate and ascertain mode of assessing canal tolls to relief of poor and other parochial burthens, and to make other general provisions relating to canals deemed expedient. Letter from Clerk to Sir Edward Littleton. Canal Company paid consideration in purchase of lands in lieu of taxes. Not necessary to send delegate to meeting in London.
George Minchin and wife Ann guilty of malpractice in weight of coals sold at Dudbridge Wharf. To be removed as coal sellers on 25 March. Robert Harper appointed with two persons bound for him in bond of £50 each. George Minchin and wife to give up house and premises by 8 April.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 18^th of March 1799
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Jos^h Grazebrooke, Nath^l Wathen, Ew^d Wood, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Nath^l Jones, Rev^d Jos^h Colborne.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continues the Order respecting the Boat House and the Shed at Tho^s Lewis's House, as well as for the building of the Boat agreeably with the Order of the last Meeting.
A Communication having been received from Sir Edward Littleton of the Resolutions of a Meeting of Delegates from Sundry Canal Navigations in London for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of making application to Parliament "To regulate and ascertain the mode of Assessing Canal Tolls to the Relief of the Poor, and other parochial Burthen(?). And to make such other general Provisions relating to Canals, as may be deemed expedient".
Ordered that our Clerk to write a Letter to Sir Edw^d Littleton thanking him for the above communication and stating that as the Canal Company paid a consideration in the purchase of Lands in Lieu of Taxes agreeably to a provision in their Act, the Committee do not think it necessary to send any Delegate to the proposed Meeting in London.
The Committee having been informed on indubitable authority that George Minchin and Ann his Wife had been guilty of malpractices in the Weight of Coals sold at Dudbridge Wharf, Resolved that they be in consequence removed from their present situation of Coal Sellers on the morning of the 25^th of March instant and that Robert Harper who has been well recommended be appointed to the same on that day, he having provided two respectable persons to be bound for him in a Bond of Fifty Pounds each.
Ordered that our Clerk do inform the said George Minchin and Ann his Wife that they are required to deliver up the Dwelling House and Premises now in their Occupation at latest on Monday the 8^th of April next.
Adnourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 8^th of April next at three o Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.