Tue 9 Apr 1799
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1627 19s 6d. Balance £1232 13s 10½d. Dividend of £6 declared.
No charges at Framilode on low boats belonging to trading barges.
Thames & Severn Canal Company reduced tonnage on slates. 8d per ton on all slates carried to and beyond Brimscombe and 2s 3d to Wallbridge.
Tonnage of Bristol stone for making lime or mending roads 1s per ton to Wallbridge.
Committee for next year: Rev William Ellis, Rev Joseph Colborne, Sam Wathen, John Allaway, Benjamin Grazebrook, Joseph Grazebrook, Rowles Scudamore, Josiah Harford, William Battersby, J J Wathen, Nathaniel Wathen, Edward Wood, Nathaniel Jones.
At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 9^th of Ap^l 1799
Sam^l Wathen Esq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The Several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirmed.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of £1627..19^s..6^d has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 9^th of October last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of Debts, Wages, Disburstments, etc, there remains in the Treasurers hands after paying the last Dividend the Sum of £1232..12^s..10½^d. Ordered that a Dividend of Six Pounds per Share be paid by the Treasurer on the 1^st day of May next and that our Clerk do transmit Circular Letters to all the Proprietors to inform them they may draw on the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
Resolved that in future there be no charge at Framiload on tow boats belonging to trading barges.
It being represented to this Meeting that the Thames and Severn Canal Company have reduced the Tonnage on Slates, Resolved that the Tonnage on this Article be fixed at 8^d per Ton on all carried to & beyond Brimscombe & 2^s/3^d to Walbridge and 2^s to Dudbridge.
Resolved that the Tonnage of Bristol Stone for the purposes of making Lime or mending Roads be fixed at 1^s per Ton to Walbridge.
The following Gentlement are appointed a Committee for the ensuing Year, Viz;
Rev^d W^m Ellis, Jos^h Harford, Rev^d Jos^h Colborne, W^m Battersby, Sam^l Wathen, J I Wathen, Jn^o Allaway, Nath^l Wathen, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Ew^d Wood, Jos^h Grazebrooke, Nath^l Jones, Rowles Scudamore.