Minutes Mon 8 Sep 1800

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Mon 8 Sep 1800


Thomas Cook delivered full estimate of expense of wall to protect Company's land at Framilode from floods of River Severn, 9 feet high, 5 feet thick at base, reduced by degrees to be 3 feet 6 inches at top, with two pillars. Estimate including limestone and materials, £220. Work to be completed by 1 November.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 8^th of September 1800
Present: Rev^d Will^m Ellis, Jos^h Grazebrooke. Rev^d Jos^h Colborne, Rowles Scudamore, Nath^l Wathen, Edw^d Wood, Jn^o Allaway.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the Order respecting the Warehouse at Bristol Road. Also the Swivell Bridge at Lodgemore to be new erected.
Tho^s Cook attended agreeably to the Resolution of the Committee entered into at their last Meeting, and delivered an Estimate of the expence of erecting a Wall to protect the Companys Land at Framiload from the Floods of the River Severn. The Wall to be nine feet high, five feet thick at the foundation and to be reduced by degrees to 3^Feet 6^Ins at the top with two Pillars. The Estimate also included the whole Expence of Lime Stone, and Materials with work of every description incident to the work, and amounted to 220^£, which the Committee on investigation complied with binding the said Tho^s Cook to compleat the whole of the Work by the first day of November next.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 13^th of October next at the Committee room at Walbridge at three o Clock in the Afternoon, previous to which the Gentlemen that can will survey the State of the new Wall erecting at Framiload and of the New Lock near Chippenhams Platt.

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