Minutes Mon 21 Jun 1847

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Mon 21 Jun 1847


Special general meeting selected Thomas Clutterbuck Croome as committee member and solicitor for company.

Verbatim text

At a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Monday the 21st day of June 1847
M^r Cha^s Hooper Chairman.
This meeting was called for the purpose of electing a member on the committee and appointing a Solicitor to the Company in consequence of the Vacancies that have occurred.
Proposed by M^r C Hooper and seconded by M^r Cosham,
That M^r Tho^s Clutterbuck Croome be appointed to fill up the Vacancy in the Committee.
Carried unanimously.
Proposed by M^r S S Marling and seconded by M^r Wood,
That M^r Tho^s Clutterbuck Croome be appointed Solicitor to this Company.
Carried unanimously.

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