Wed 2 Jul 1851
Reply from Mr Salt, treasurer of Thames & Severn Canal Co, that they cannot deviate from terms already offered to bear burthen, share and share alike.
Annual tour of inspection to take place on 6 August.
At a Special and General Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 2nd July 1851
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r Fred^k Eycott Chairman, G Hen^r A Beard, Will^m Fryer, Hen^y Harris, Rich^d Martin, Tho^s C Croome, Cha^s Hooper.
A Letter from M^r Salt the Treasurer of the Thames and Severn Canal Company in answer to the Communication agreed at the last Meeting was produced and read and is copied below:
20 Lombard Street
13th June 1851
Dear Sir
M^r Lane the Clerk of the Thames and Severn Canal being confined to his bed by illness I am instructed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd Ins^t in reference to an alteration of Tolls by the two Companies.
This Committee are most anxious to fall into any arrangement which will enable them to compete in price with the Railway and feel that unless an arrangement is made without loss of time, the object to be obtained, will be missed.
Feeling fully these two points the Committee lament that the Stroudwater Navigation does not view the concession proposed to be made by this Company in the light they think it ought to be considered, as it is, in justice to themselves, they regret that they cannot deviate from the terms already offered to you, that is to bear the burthen share and share alike.
I am further instructed to add that like all other propositions stated as a basis for negociation, our Committee is not bound by this proposition beyond a reasonable time for full consideration.
I am, Dear Sir,
Yours very truly
signed John Salt
Treasurer to the Thames & Severn Canal Navigation
Tho^s C Crome Esq^re
Chairman of the Stroudwater Canal Nav^n
Resolved that this Committee adhere to their first proposal and discontinue the present negociation with the Thames and Severn Canal Committee.
Resolved that the Chairman be requested to communicate the substance of the above resolution to M^r Salt.
Resolved that the annual Tour of Inspection of this Navigation by the Committee do take place on Wednesday the 6th August and that M^r Hawker do call a Meeting of the Committee on that day at 10 O'Clock to be held on board the Company's boat at Wallbridge.
Resolved that the following Bills and Accounts be paid Viz:
Expenses of General Meeting for dinner: 10^£..11^s..2^d
M^r Driver 1 Quarter's Salary: 17..10..-
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Months due July: 10..-..-