Wed 6 Aug 1851
Henry James caught fish in Ocean at Stonehouse on authority of Nathaniel Marling of Stanley. Company to inform Mr Marling that they have exclusive possession of water and land covered with water.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Wednesday the 6th day of August 1851
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r Hen^y Harris, Tho^s C Croome, Fred^k Eycott, Will^m Fryer, G H A Beard, Cha^s Hooper, Rich^d Martin, Cha^s H Fisher Chairman.
With reference to the Notice served upon our Clerk M^r Hawker to make a return of the Income of this Canal for the purposes of Property and Income Tax:
Ordered that the Return be made of £5152..10..8 if the return be required of the last year's profit, or of £4911..8..8 if of the average of the last Three years profits.
Ordered that the Return of the Annual Value of the Company's House and Wharf at Wallbridge by £40..-..-.
M^r Driver having reported that M^r Henry James had been netting the Water belonging to this Company at Stonehouse and called the Ocean under an Authority or presumed Authority produced by him from M^r Nath S Marling of Stanley and that he had caught a considerable quantity of Fish therein.
Ordered that M^r Croome be requested to wait upon M^r Marling with a plan of the Water and Property so fished as above and purchased of M^rs Ball and others and to explain Matters to him and the claim made by his Company to the exclusive possession of the Water and Land covered with Water in question.
Ordered that M^r Hawker's payment of £63..17..10 Income Tax due April 5th last be adopted and approved of.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Cha^s Hawker 1 Quarters Salary: 25^£..-^s..-^d
W^m Marmont Oak Timber: 63..2..9
J W Battershall Iron Casting: 7..6..11
Hen^y Harrison Masonry: 7..14..6
Price & C^o Redpine Timber: 14..10..6
Edw^d Shipway Sundries: 18..11..-
Hen^y Dangerfield Ironmongery: 5..3..8
Jn^o Ferrabee & Sons Castings: 2^£..8^s..4^d
Ja^s Giles Masonry: 1..7..10
Tho^s Liddiatt PargeterL 18..10..10
Will^m Hobbs Smiths Work: 3..4..2
Tho^s Spire Timber: 2..5..5
Tho^s Gabb Smiths Work: -..13..7