Wed 14 Jan 1852
Anticipated opposition of Railway to carrying coals was taken into consideration. From Monday 19th inst. tonnage carried on this Navigation to Wallbridge to be reduced to 2s 3d per ton. Other places detailed.
Bounty of nine pence per ton allowed to William Knee, James Nurse and other traders on coals delivered to Wallbridge Wharf. Coal on other wharfs to be allowed drawback on coal remaining on wharfs on Saturday next. Coal remaining on Wallbridge Wharf on Saturday to have a bounty of 1s per ton.
Edmund Nource Harvey claimed share no.155, will of Mary Nource of Ross.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 14th day of January 1852
Present: M^r Will^m Fryer, Jn^o H Warman, Fred^k Eycott, Cha^s Hooper, Tho^s C Croome Chairman.
The anticipated opposition of the Railway to the carrying of Coals was taken into Consideration.
Resolved that on and from Monday the 19th Ins^t the Tonnage charged for Coals carried on this Navigation from Framilode to Wallbridge be reduced to 2^s/3^d per ton and that on all Coals carried from Framilode the Tonnages to the following places be regulated according to the Sums set opposite to those places in the following Scale and shall be charged and collected by the Clerks to this Company viz:
To the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal: 1^d per Ton.
To Walkbridge: 5^d per Ton.
To Bristol Road: 10^d per Ton.
To Chippenham Plat & Eastington: 1^s/- per Ton.
To Bonds Mill: 1^s/1^d per Ton.
To Hill's Mill: 1/2 per Ton.
To Stonehouse Wharf: 1/3 per Ton.
To Ryeford: 1/4 per Ton.
To Ebley: 1/8 per Ton.
To Dudbridge: 1/10 per Ton.
To Gas Works & Lodgemore: 2/- per Ton.
To Wallbridge: 2/3 per Ton.
Resolved that a Bounty after the Rate of Ninepence per ton be allowed to M^r Will^m Knee, M^r Jos^h Watts, M^r Will^m Flack, M^r Jn^o Howard, & M^r James Nurse towards or in part of the Freight on all Coals landed for their use on Wallbridge Wharf.
Resolved that in order to carry out the Resolution of the last Special Meeting in reference to M^r Biddle's trade a Bounty be allowed to him of One Shilling per Ton for all Coals landed at Lodgemore and One Shilling and threepence per Ton toward such in part of the freight on all Coals landed at Wallbridge.
Resolved that a Drawback be allowed to all Traders having Coals for sale on the several Wharfs of this Company (except Wallbridge Wharf) on Saturday next, such Drawback to be equal in amount to the difference between the Tonnages above mentioned and those which have been actually paid by the several Traders to this Company and that in order to carry this Resolution into effect M^r Hawker and M^r Driver do take an account of the Coals that shall be remaining on the said Wharfs and shall allow the said Drawback accordingly.
Resolved that a Bounty of one shilling per ton be allowed to M^r Will^m Knee and M^r James Nurse on the Coals which they shall have remaining on Wallbridge Wharf on Saturday next and that M^r Hawker do take an account thereof to carry this arrangement into effect.
M^r Cha^s Hawker of Wallbridge attended on behalf of Edward Nourse Harvey the acting Executor of the late Mary Nourse of Ross deceased and made out his claim as Executor of the said Mary Nourse deceased to one Share N^o 155 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Mary Nourse in the books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Mary Nourse deceased bearing date the 27th day of April 1837 whereby she appointed the said Edward Nourse Harvey and John Cooke Executors of the said Will which was duly proved by the said Edward Nourse Harvey alone in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 17th day of August 1848 the said John Cooke the other Executor having previously renounces probate and also a Declaration by the said John Cooke that the Tickets or Title to the said Share was lost or mislaid and the claim of the said Edward Nourse Harvey was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
Resolved that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Mess^rs Martin & C^o for Wine: 11^£..14^s..-^d
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Months Salary: 10..-..-
Dan^l Hewlett for Skylight & Water Pipes: 5..5..7
Dan^l Hewlett for Plumbers Work: -..9..-