Wed 12 May 1852
Mr Dykes on behalf of Midland Railway Company proposed to cut an opening from the Ocean at Stonehouse to form a loading place for barges on the upper or northern side of the present platform and shoot from the railway.
Letter from Mr Willson on behalf of Thames & Severn Canal Co – various large reductions of tonnage proposed. Tonnage on coals passing from Stroudwater into T&S Canal should be reduced to 1s to Stroudwater and 9d to Thames & Severn on coal landed on Stroud Wharf of Thames & Severn Canal Co, and 9d to Stroudwater and 1s to Thames & Severn Canal Co on coal landed between Stroud Wharf and Brimscombe. Not accepted. Each company should be more independent of each other than at present. Right division of tonnage: Stroudwater should get 1s on coals landed any place on T&S Canal west of bridge at Bowbridge, Thames & Severn 9d. Stroudwater should get 9d on coals landed on T&S Canal Severn between bridge at Bowbridge and Sapperton Tunnel and 6d on coals passing through the Sapperton Tunnel. The Stroudwater should regulate its own tonnage to Wallbridge, on giving up all right to interfere with tonnages charged by Thames & Severn Canal Co east of bridge and Bowbridge.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 12th day of May 1852
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r Will^m Fryer Chairman, Fred^k Eycott Hen^y Harris, G H A Beard, Tho^s C Croome, Rich^d Martin, Cha^S H Fisher.
M^r Dykes attended on behalf of the Midland Railway Company and proposed to cut an opening at the Ocean at Stonehouse to form a Loading Place for Barges on the upper or Northern side of the present Platform and Shoot from the Railway.
Resolved that this company consent to the proposal on condition that the Works be so constructed as to prevent the escape of Water from this Navigation either through the existing Water course constructed by the Railway Company or in any other manner whatever.
Resolved that the annual stoppage of this Canal commence on Monday the 7th of June next and continue until Saturday the 12th both days inclusive and that our Clerk do give to the Traders and others the usual notice of such stoppage.
Resolved that the next monthly Meeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday the 2nd of June and that our Clerk do give notice accordingly.
A Letter from M^r Willson on behalf of the Thames and Severn Canal Company was read in which various large Reductions of Tonnage on the part of that Company were announced and he proposed that the Tonnages on Coals passing from this Navigation into the Thames and Severn Canal should be reduced to One Shilling to this Company and Ninepence to the Thames and Severn Canal Company on Coals landed on the Stroud Wharf of the Thames and Severn and Ninepence to this Company and One shilling to the Thames and Severn Canal Company on Coals passing to places between Stroud Wharf and Brimscombe.
This proposal was taken into consideration and it appeared to this Committee not to embrace the whole matters of negociation between the two companies.
It was therefore resolved that M^r Willson be informed that this Company is willing to agree to an abatement of Tonnages but propose that an arrangement should now be made to leave each company in a condition more independent of each other than at present.
Om the view of this Company the right division of Tonnages would be that this Company should take One Shilling on Coals landed at any place on the Thames and Severn Canal West of the Bridge at Bowbridge and the Thames and Severn Canal Ninepence. That this Company should take Ninepence on Coals landed on the Thames and Severn Canal between the Bridge at Bowbridge and the Sapperton Tunnel and Sixpence on Coals passing through the Sapperton Tunnel and that this Company should be at liberty to regulate their own tonnage to Wallbridge at their discretion on giving up the right to interfere with the Tonnage charged by the Thames and Severn Canal Company East of the Bridge at Bowbridge.
Resolved that the following Bills and Accounts be paid Viz:
Cha^s Hawker 1 Quarter Salary due May 21st: 25^£..-^s..-^d
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Montsh due May 12th: 10..-..-
General Assemblies (Half Yearly Meeting Apl 21st): 9..1..4
Will^m Marment Timber: 10..9..-
Sam^l Hadley Timber: 22..5..8
Jn^o George (Oakhum): -..6..6