Wed 2 Jun 1852
Nicholas Dangerfield and Charles Ratcliffe claimed share no.22, will of Elizabeth Stone.
Edmund Lewis Clutterbuck, Harry Ralph Ricardo and West Awdry claimed shares nos.118,119, will of Thomas Clutterbuck.
Thames & Severn regret rejection of their plan but do not accept alternative suggestion. Committee unwilling to alter decision.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 2nd day of June 1852
Present: M^r Henry Harris, J H Warman, Fred^k Eycott, Will^m Fryer, Rich^d Martin Chairman, T C Croome.
M^r Cha^s Hawker attended on behalf of George Nicholas Dangerfield and Charles Ratcliffe Executors of the late Elizabeth Stone of N^0 18 Walcot Parage in the City of Bath, deceased and made out their Claim as Executors to the said Elizabeth Stone deceased to one Share N^o 22 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Elizabeth Stone in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Will of the said Elizabeth Stone deceased bearing date January 25th 1851 whereby she appointed the said George Nicholas Dangerfield and Charles Ratcliffe Executors of the said Will which was duly proved by the said George Nicholas Dangerfield and Charles Ratcliffe in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on February 11th 1852 and also producing the Ticket and Title to the said Share and the Claim was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
M^r West Awdry of Chippenham in the County of Wilts attended on behalf of himself and Edmund Lewis Clutterbuck and Harry Ralph Ricardo joint Executors of the Will of the late Thomas Clutterbuck Esq^re of Hardenhuish Park in the County of Wits deceased and made out their claim as Executors of the said Thomas Clutterbuck deceased to Two Shares N^os 118 & 119 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Thomas Clutterbuck deceased in the Books of the Proprietors by producing the Will of the said Thomas Clutterbuck deceased bearing date the 15th day of March 1852 whereby he appointed the said Edmund Lewis Clutterbuck Harry Ralph Ricardo and Wes Awdry Executors of his said Will which was duly proved by them in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 21st day of May 1852 and also producing Tickets or Titles to the said Shares and the Claim was admitted accordingly and new Tickets ordered to be made out.
A Letter from M^r Willson of the 1st Ins^t in reply to M^r Hawkers enclosing him the Resolutions of the last Meeting was read to the effect that he was sorry this Company did not think it expedient to make such reductions as had been suggested on behalf of the Thames and Severn Canal Company.
Resolved that this Committee do not see any fresh circumstance to induce them to alter previous decision and that M^r Hawker reply to M^r Willson to that effect.
The following Bills and Accounts were ordered to be paid:
N Driver 1 Quarter Salary: 17^£..10^s..-^d
Ja^s Boucher Smith's Work: 3..4..1
Sam^l Pearse Mending Boots & Bag: -..7..6
Oliver Cam Masonry: -..5..5