Minutes Wed 10 Nov 1852

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Wed 10 Nov 1852


Martin & Co to send 3 dozen sherry for use at General Meetings.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 10th day of November 1852
Present: M^r Fred^k Eycott, J W Warman, G H A Beard, Rich^d Martin, T C Croome Chairman. Hen^y Harris.
Ordered that Mess^rs Martin & C^o be requested to send 3 Dozen of Sherry for the use of the General Meetings.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
M^r C Hawker 1 Quarter due 19th Ins^t: 25^£..-^s..-^d
Jn^o Burbidge 2 months: 10..-..-
General Assembly: 9..16..1
Tho^s Webb Timber: 7..18..5
Tho^s Spire Timber: -..15..7
Ja^s Boucher Smith's Work: -..17..11

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