Minutes Wed 11 May 1853

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Wed 11 May 1853


6d a day to be charged on all vessels detained on canal for repairs.
Summons served on George Hoyle for making false declaration as to goods carried on the George on ticket dated 15 December 1852.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Stroudwater Navigation Committee held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 1th day of May 1853
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r W^m Fryer Chairman, Fred^k Eycott, G Hen^y A Beard, Hen^y Harris, Rich^d Martin, T C Croome, Cha^s Hooper.
Ordered that a Sum after the rate of Sixpence per diem (Sundays excepted) be charged by the Company on all Vessels detained on the Canal for Repairs.
A Dft of an Agreement between the Company and the Thames and Severn Canal Company for regulation the Tonnages consequent on the Resolution passed by the Committee on the 23rd day of March last was read and approved subject to certain Verbal Corrections.
Ordered that a General Meeting of this Company be called by our Clerk for the purpose of considering and conferring thereon at such times as he shall consider right in communication with the officers of the Thames and Severn Canal Company.
Ordered that a Summons be taken out against Georg Hayle for a Fraud in making a false declaration as to the Goods carried in the Boat called the George in a Ticket dated 15th December 1852.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Cha^s Hawker 1 Quarter Salary due 19th May Ins^t: 25^£..-^s..-^d
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Months: 10..-..-
General Assemblies: 9..7..9
Jn^o Boucher Iron Work: 1..5..5
Jn^o Andrews Smith's Work: -..18..2
Geo Perry for Timber: -..12..10
Geo Williams for Sundries: 1..1..1

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