Tue 19 Jul 1853
Mr Marling’s application to have gate erected on towing path at the railway bridge near the Ocean at Stonehouse to prevent cattle straying and falling into canal not accepted on grounds of inconvenience. Two gates would hinder use of tow path.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19th day of July 1853
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, Mr G Hen^y A Beard Chairman, Will^m Fryer, C H Fisher, Fred^k Eycott, Rich^d Martin, Hen^y Harris, Tho^s C Croome.
M^r Marling's application to have a Gate erected on the Towing path at the Railway Bridge near the Ocean at Stonehouse to prevent his Cattle from passing from one of his fields into the other and the consequent danger of their falling into the Canal was taken into consideration and it was Resolved that M^r Marling be informed that it is the opinion of the Committee that the erection of one Gate only would occasion greater inconvenience than at present and the erection of Two so near to each other would be a serious hindrance to the use of the Towing path and therefore that the Company do not see the way to comply with his request.
Resolved that the Annual Tour of Inspection of this Navigation by the Committee do take place on tuesday the 9th Augt next and that M^r Hawker do call a Meeting of the Committee on that day at 8 O'Clock to be held on boar the Company's boat at Wallbridge.
The following Sums were ordered to be paid:
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Months Salary: 10^£..-^s..-^d
Oliver Cam Timber: 6..12..-
Jn^o Andrews Smith's Work: -..16..-