Wed 10 Aug 1853
Inside of house at Double Lock to be washed and coloured.
A gate is to be erected at Company’s expense at western end of dwarf wall under railway bridge at Stonehouse on understanding that Mr Marling erect another at his expense at eastern end and that he has permission to take cattle over towing path of canal under railway bridge from one of his fields to the other.
Bridge at Gasworks damaged by boat ‘Mazeppa’ owned by Messrs. Holmes & Co. and Clarke Master. 20s to repair damages. Caution that £5 to be inflicted if it happens again.
Mrs Critchley’s oven to be rebuilt.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Wednesday the 10th day of August 1853
Present: M^r Will^m Fryer, M^r Hen^y Harris Chairman, C H Fisher, G A H Beard, Jn^o H Warman, Fred^k Eycott, T C Croome, Cha^s Hooper.
Ordered that the Roof of the Hay loft in M^r James Nurse's occupation at Dudbridge be repaired.
Ordered that the inside of the house at the Double lock be washed and coloured.
M^r Nath S Marling having attended the Committee and represented that with a view to remedying the present inconvenience at the Railway Bridge at Stonehouse alluded to in the Minutes of the Meeting on 19th July, he was willing if the Committee would grant him the privilege to try the experiment of erecting only one Gate in the first instance at the Western extremity of the dwarf Wall under the Railway Bridge such Gate to be put up at the expense of this Company and that if it did not remedy the evil hew was will with the permission of the Company to erect and repair at his own expense another Gate at the Eastern extremity of the same Wall or at any other fence that might be required for the proper protection of Cattle or otherwise at the spot, but under any circumstances he was willing to take upon himself all future consequences as regards damage to his Cattle provided the Company erect the same Gate at their expense at the Western end and call upon them for nothing further in that respect.
Resolved That a Gate be erected at the expense of the Company at the Western end of the said dwarf Wall on this understanding and that M^r Marling have permission at any future time if he required it to erect another at his expense at the Eastern end and also that M^r Marling have permission to take his Cattle over the Towing path of the Canal under the said Railway Bridge from one of his fields there to the other such permission to be revocable by the Company at any time on giving M^r Marling or his successors three months notice.
The above Minute was read to M^r Marling and he assented thereto.
M^r Driver reported that a Boat named the Maryeppee owned by Mess^rs Holmes & C^o and Clarke Master had carelessly run against and seriously damaged the Bridge at the Gas Works.
Resolved that the Owners be called upon in the first instance to pay the sum of Twenty Shillings to repair the damage with a caution that if it happen again the full fine of Five pounds according to the Company's Regulations will be inflicted and that if payment be not made within one week the full fine will be enforced.
M^r Driver having reported that George Perry had applied for an advance of sixpence a day on his Wages,
Resolved that under present circumstances it be allowed him.
Resolved that the Oven at M^r Critchley's be rebuilt the Company finding Materials and M^r Critchley labor.
Resolved that the next monthly Meeting of the Committee take place on the 21st September.
Ordered that the following Accounts be paid:
Cha^s Hawker 1 Quarter Salary due 19th Ins^t: 25^£..-^s..-^d
Will^m Marmond for Timber: 19..6..-