Wed 12 Sep 1855
Mr Wilton’s proposed alteration to swing bridge recommended for consent.
Plan for lieby at Ryeford approved.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 12^th day of September 1855
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^r H^y Harris Chairman, J H Warman, T C Croome, W^m Fryer, Rich^d Martin.
The subject of M^r Wilton's application referred to in the minutes of the last Meeting was taken into further consideration and it was resolved that M^r Wilton be informed that provided the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company on being acquainted with the proposed alteration raise no objection to it and the work be carried out & completed to the satisfaction of the Surveyor of the Navigation & that this Navigation be held harmless of all expence attending or in any way connected with it, excepting that parties undertaking it may be allowed the materials of the present brick bridge towards the expence of the new one, the Committee will recommend the proposed alteration to the next General Meeting of the Navigation for their assent.
M^r Warman & M^r Croome reported that they & M^r Eycott ^ M^r Beard had met Mess^rs Ford at the Ryeford & again fully discussed the subject of the proposed lyeby & a plan being now produced shewing the effect of the proposed alteration, Resolved that the plan be approved as the basis of them and that M^r Croome prepare an agreement with Mess^rs Ford for carrying them out on the footing of the Minute of 1^st June last.
Resolved that the usual half yearly Meeting of this Company be held on Wednesday the 24 October next at 3 O clock & that the monthly Meeting of the Committee do take place at 2 O clock on that day & that M^r Partridge do give the requisite notices in the usual way.
The following Bills were ordered to be paid:
M^r N A Partridge's Quarter's Salary: 25..-..-
N Driver Quarter's Salary: 20..-..-
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary: 10..-..-
E Cooper ½ year Salary: 7..17..6
J P Brisley Printing & Stationery: 9..17..-
Elliott & Restall: 3..4..10
W H Hewlett Painting, etc: 16..-..-
General Assemblies: 7..8..5
Henry Howell Smith's Work: 17..-..8
Dan^l Hoskins Smith's Work: 9..15..7
Bills ordered to be paid continued
Mess^rs J & H Ferrabee Iron Work: 11..5..6
J Andrews Smith's WorkL 3..16..1
P Cooke Iron Work: 1..-..-
Edw^d Morgan Mason: 4..8..2
A (?) Mason: 3..7..8
T Spire Timber: 2..3..-
F Martin Timber: 2..18..4
H^y Dangerfield: 2..10..10
S Ralee: 2..2..-
Stationery Petty Cash: -..18..5