Wed 24 Oct 1855
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2396 18s 4d. After wages, etc, £16129 19s 4d. Dividend of £8 declared.
Mr Wilton to pay whole expense of bridge and to make good the road, materials of present bridge and its approach allowed towards cost. Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co assent given. Surveyor to keep separate account of expenses incurred.
At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at their Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 24^th day of Oct^r 1855
E A A Burgh Esq^re in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Assembly were read approved and confirmed.
The several books and Accounts were produced as directed by the Act of Parliament & were examined and passed.
It appears that the sum of 2396^3..18^s..4^d has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the first day of April last to the first day of October 1855 part of which has been applied towards the payment of Wages Disbursements, etc, & then there remain in the Hands of the Treasurer after paying the last Dividend the sumof £1619..19..4.
Ordered that a Dividend of Eight Pounds on each share be declared payable on the first day of November next.
A Letter from M^r H H Wilton was read in answer to the resolution of the meeting of the Committee of the 12 Sept with reference to the proposed alteration of the Walk Bridge by the erection of a Swing Bridge in lieu of the present Bridge in which letter M^r Wilton undertakes to pay the whole expence attending or in any way connected with its formation and erection and with making good the Road to be affected by tis being allowed the materials of the present Bridge & its approach towards the cost and a letter from the Secretary of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company assenting to the alteration having been read, Resolved that the Surveyor be authorized to make the proposed alterations of the Walk Bridge & its approaches accordingly and that he keep a separate account of the expences incurred and that such expences be charged to M^r Wilton pursuant to his Letters.
Resolved that the above resolution be communicated to M^r Wilton by the Clerk.