Minutes Wed 21 Jan 1857

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Wed 21 Jan 1857


Proposals for reduction in charges by Mr Nathaniel Cosham and Mr Cole of Cirencester.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of January 1857
Present: M^r F Eycott, M^r W^m Fryer Chairman, C Hawker, T C Croome, J H Warman, G H A Beard, R^d Martin, C Hooper.
Mess^rs Wethered Cosham & C^o attended and proposed a reduction in the charges for coals carried from the Midland Railway Station and they were informed that the Committee were not at present prepared to make any alteration in their resolutions of the last Meeting.
A letter from M^r Cole of Cirencester was read asking for a reduction of 2^d per Ton on coals carried to Cirencester on the express condition that he should carry at least 5000 per annum.
Resolved that he be informed that any reduction has been already provided for by an arrangement between this C^o & the Thames & Severn Canal C^o and that his letter has been referred to the Thames & Severn Canal C^o for consideration.
Resolved that a copy of M^r Cole's letter be forwarded to M^r Taunton and he be referred to the Resolutions of the 23^rd March 1853 as confirmed by the Thames & Severn Canal C^o and informed that this Committee look to the Thames & Severn Canal C^o to make the reduction required.
Payment of a Cheque for Income Tax for 134^£..12^s..10^d made Jan^ry 9^th signed by Mess^rs F Eycott G H A Beard H^y Harris T C Croome and C Hawker.
Bills & A/cs ordered to be paid £ s d
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary die 10^th Ins't: 10..0..0
T Liddiatt Pargeter: 7..5..0
T & J Buddign Plumbers, etc: 7..8..3
James Brothers Pargeters: 3..0..0
Tho^s Spire Timber & Hauling: 4..10..7
T Webb Timber: 0..11..6

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