Minutes Wed 20 May 1857

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Wed 20 May 1857


Counsels option to be taken regarding rights on Ebley Mill bridge.
JC Dalby to be given notice to quit the pen at Stonehouse

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of May 1857
Present: M^r C Hawker, M^r N S Marling Chairman, G H A Beard, W^m Fryer, J H Warman, H^y Harris, T C Croome, R^d Martin, C Hooper, F Eycott.
The Resolution of the last General Meeting in regard to the Bridge near Ebley Mills was taken into consideration and the various documents referring to Ebley Mills and the entries in the Company's Books on the subject were read.
It was resolved that a case be stated for Counsel's opinion on the effects of the agreements entered into between the Parties and the various resolutions in the Company's Books relative to the Bridge and Roads near Ebley Mill.
Bills ordered to be paid viz:
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary die 20^th Ins't: 10..0..0
General Assemblies Dinner April 22: 8..4..10
G H Burgough Esq^r Tithes: 0..13..6
It was ordered that H Dalby have a notice served on him to quit the occupation of the Pen at Stonehouse.

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