Wed 16 Sep 1857
Subscription of £5 per annum for lighting lamps at Dudbridge Wharf to be renewed.
Mr Cooper, the auditor, asked to explain why audit had not shown any debt at time of Mr Hawker’s resignation as Clerk.
Mr Holmes applied for reduction on tonnage on merchandise carried from railway at Stonehouse.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of September 1857
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, Cha^s Hawker, Rich^d Martin, W^m Fryer, H^y Harris, T C Croome, Cha^s Hooper.
Resolved that the Subscription of £5 per annum for lighting Lamps near Dudbridge Wharf be renewed the inhabitants having renewed the arrangement.
M^r Cooper the Auditor attended pursuant to the Order of the last Meeting and was asked to explain his mode of Audit and to state how it was that his Audit has not shown any Debt to be due to the Company at the time of M^r Hawker's resignation of the Office of Clerk and he explained he only audited and examined the accounts brought before him and did not make any inquiry for outstanding Tickets.
M^r Holmes attended and made an application for reducing the Tonnages on Merchandize carried from the Railway at Stonehouse.
Ordered that the same be adjourned to the next Meeting.
The Resolution of the last General Meeting relative to the Tonnages was taken into consideration and the same was adjourned to the next Meeting of the Committee.
Ordered that the General Half Yearly Meeting be held on the 23^d October next at 3 O'Clock and that M^r Partridge give the usual notices and that the Meeting of the Committee be held on the same day at Noon.
Ordered that the following Bills and A/cs be paid (see List)
The Return for Property and Income Tax made by M^r Partridge at £5574..9..6 was adopted and approved.
See List of Bills fo 249.
Bills and A/cs ordered to be paid Sep^r 16^th 1857
N A Partridge 1 Qr Salary due 29^th: 30^£..0^s..0^d
N Driver 1 Q^r Salary due 29^th: 20..0..0
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary due 20^th: 10..0..0
E Cooper ½ year due 29^th: 7..17..6
Annual Inspection of Canal: 7,,13,,7
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 12..4..2
Price & C^o Timber: 13..12..10
J H Yeered Oakhum & Tar: 2..5..2
T Webb Timber: 2..4..5
H^y Dangerfield Iron Work: 3..3..10
G Pitt Carpenter: 0..10..6
J Andrews Jr Smith's Work: 0..8..10
E Shipway Smith's Work: 1..7..11
H^y Harrison Masonry: 1..9..0
Stroud Gas C^o Tar: 0..15..0
S Rowles Stone: 0..18..0
Sam^l Pearce Repairing Mud bag: 0..14..0
[Total]: 115..4..9