Tue 20 Jul 1858
Customs Officers to give permission to unload foreign laden vessels (corn) at a particular sufferance wharf. Committee cannot suggest any better than Junction now used.
Messrs. Ford Brothers renewed application to have lock at Eastington widened and enlarged to admit their steam vessel, the ‘Queen Esther’. Committee do not agree to alteration.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of July 1858
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r H H Wilton Chairman,
Cha^s Hawker, F Eycott, G H A Beard, T C Croome.
The correspondence with the Officers of Her Majesty's Customs relative to the importation of Corn from foreign Ports to this Canal was read from which it appeared that permission would only be given to unload foreign loaded vessels at a particular Sufferance Wharf.
Resolved that an intimation be given to the Officers of H. M. Customs that the Committee cannot suggest any one spot better than the Junction as now used.
A Letter from Mess^rs Ford Brothers was read in which they renew their application to have the Lock at Eastington widened and enlarged so as to admit their Steam Vessel the Queen Esther.
Resolved that M^r Ford be informed that the Committee do not see the way to make the suggested alteration.
Resolved that the next monthly Meeting be held on 3^d August on board the Company's Boat at Wallbridge at 9 AM to proceed thence to survey the Canal.
Ordered that the following Bills & A/cs be paid:
Income Tax: 53^£..2^s..8^d
M^r J Burbidge 2 Mts Salary due this day: 10..0..0
J Elliott Stationery: 7..6..0
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 16..0..0
T Webb Timber: 5..0..3
S S Marling & C^o Pen at Reyford: 6..13..8
J Andrews Smith's Work: 1..10..1
H^y Dangerfiedl Iron Work: 4..4..3
Mathews & C^o Oil: 2..8..11