Minutes Tue 3 Aug 1858

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Tue 3 Aug 1858


Isaac Allan Cooke and Charles Frederic Philips claimed share no.156, will of Sarah Wathen.
Proposed lieby near bridge near Gas Works.
Mr George Day given permission for pen at back of Dudbridge Wharf. Fence at his own expense. Three months notice of removal.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Tuesday the 3^d day of August 1858
Present: M^r W^m Fryer, M^r T C Croome Chairman, C Hawker, G H A Beard, J H Warman, F Eycott, H^y Harris.
M^r N A Partridge of Wallbridge in the Parish of Painswick in the County of Gloucester Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation attended on behalf of Isaac Allan Cooke Esq^r of Bristol Solicitor & Charles Frederic Philips of Lincoln Inn Fields London Esq^r and made out their claim as Executors of M^rs Sarah Wathen of the Lower Grange in the Parish of Painswcik in the County of Gloucester Widow deceased to one Share numbered 156 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said S Wathen deceased in the books of the C^o of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said S Wathen deceased bearing date the 30^th day of November 1853 & proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 22^d day of February 1854 by the aid Isaac Allan Cooke and Charles Frederic Philips and also producing the said Ticket or Title to the said Share & the Claim was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
The Committee of the Stroud Gas Works met he Committee at the Bridge near the Gas Works and conferred about a Lieby to be made near the Bridge.
Ordered that M^r Driver report to the next Committee Meeting the best mode of effecting the alteration and the expense.
M^r George Day attended and asked permission to make a Pen on the back part of Dudbridge Wharf lying between the Garden and the Western boundary Wall.
Ordered that the same be allowed provided M^r Day makes the fence at his own expense and engages either to remove the same or to leave it on being paid for it at a valuation when he quits and to give up the use of the Pen at any time upon receiving three months notice.
Letters were read from Mess^rs Wethered Cossham & C^o asking for a reduction of 2^d per Ton on the Tonnage of Coals carried from the Midland Railway at Stonehouse to Cirencester so as to reduce the Tonnage to 4^d provided 1000 Tons per annum should be carried.
Resolved that Mess^rs Wethered & C^o be informed that they will be entitled to a drawback of 2^d per Ton under the present regulations provided they carry 5000 Tons in a year but that the arrangements already made with other Traders would prevent a special alteration of these provisions in their favour at present.

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